One thing business owners and executives love about WordPress-based websites is that they are so easy too install and update. But, as we’ve noticed from time to time, the simplicity of WordPress can almost be too much of a good thing – that is, clients and marketers sometimes forget that there are still a few things you should do, or at least look after, from time to time to make the most of your business website.
So, today we’d like to share a handful of straightforward tips for getting the most from WordPress:

Keep your website growing. Perhaps the biggest strength of WordPress (and what makes it so effective as an Internet marketing platform) is that you can use it to add content to your website continuously in the form of new pages, blog posts, and more. But, those advantages go to waste if you never update and maintain your site. So, make adding new content a priority, even if it’s slowly at first. Over time, you’ll be glad you did when customers and search engines take notice. Content is king and your WordPress site offers the best platform for publishing your content.
Use tags and titles effectively. Although a huge amount of thought and effort gets put into the technical details of search engine optimization, a lot of the most important factors are fairly basic. For instance, by using important keywords in the titles of new pages and blog posts, and adding a few search tags to each piece of new content, you can make everything on your site much easier for visitors to find.
Find and install the right plug-ins. A WordPress site without lots of plug-ins is like a brand-new computer without any purchased software. You can certainly do some really neat things, but you aren’t using an important investment to its fullest potential. There are plug-ins for marketing, analytics, site maintenance, linking, social media, and so much more. Work with your business web design team to find the ones that can help you better understand what customers want from you, and how to attract them to your webpages.
Look after necessary WordPress updates quickly. Occasionally, developers will spot issues with WordPress where certain types of content aren’t displaying correctly, the platform isn’t responding well to a particular browser, or there is a security issue that needs to be addressed. As a result, patches have to be released for the program on an ongoing basis. Make sure that, if you aren’t installing these right away, that someone else is on your behalf.
Don’t be afraid to read, study, and experiment. Just to be clear, “experimenting” with your WordPress site in this context means learning more about it, and finding out how easy it is to do things like edit blog posts and link social media accounts. You should probably avoid making huge changes to your site until you’re very comfortable with the platform, and even then only after you’ve had a quick conversation with your business web design and development partner.
WordPress might be simple, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t expend any effort at all on keeping your site safe, updated, and maintained. It shouldn’t take too much of your time to follow these simple tips, but it will help you enjoy a much higher return on investment from your web presence.
Want to get more from WordPress, or your business website in general? Talk to a member of our team today to arrange for a free consultation and Internet marketing account review.